Friday, 28 February 2020

Water safety

Hi, I'm Danielle. Do you know how to be safe in water? When you're in  a boat and there is a storm find shore and some shelter but if you font you're boat might flip over. 

Rule number 3 is wear a life jacket because if you don't then you will not be able to float.  Speaking of floating float on your  back so you can breath and if you are tired. 

Rule number five is never ever run by a pool because if you do then you might fall and hit you're head.

And most importantly ask a older friend to see how deep it is.  

I hope you learnt some water safety rules.

Bye and share some water safety rules with friends and family. 

Image result for water safety

Thursday, 27 February 2020

My pepeha

Ko Maungrei toku maunga
Ko Tamaki toku awa
No Glen innes ahau
Ko Hemi toku papa
Ko Vaine toku mama
Ko Glenbrae toku kura
Ko ruapotaka toku marae
Ko Danielle toku ingo
koHeke toku whanau
Tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa.

Image result for mt wellington nz

Best Day Ever

One lovely morning I was going to play outside with my friends but there was a basket. When I looked inside there were three little kittens. I felt nervous and surprised. I went to go and bring them inside. Me and my family didn't know where they came from. But they were so cute and amazing that I wanted to tickle them so bad. We gave them some milk and food.They had to drink out of a bottle. It sometimes pooped on my sister's bed. We made a bed for the kittens too. We tried to help them walk but they didn't walk so we put (Harry buttercup and Tracey to bed and that was the coolest day ever.

Image result for kittens